Qingdao Evergreen Maritime Co.,Ltd
Add: No.88 Dianji Industrial Park Jimo District, Qingdao
Shandong Province, China
Tel: +86-532-84591888 / 84596888
Fax: +86-532-85502772 / 88898654
E-mail: sales@evergreen-maritime.com
>> Evergreen-MaritimeTM Brand
>> Ship Launching Airbags System
>> Offshore Buoyancy System
"To create the World Class Brand -- Evergreen-Maritime" is our relentless pursuit.
As the global supplier, Evergreen-Maritime Marine Fendering System is setting up offices and agents around the world. We sincerely look for the employable individual and companies to cooperate for long time.
To get the convenient the assistance, please contact the nearest office.
>> Details about our agents
"To provide the best fendering solution with cost saving" Now, we have the clients from port construction industry, shipping industry, ship building industry, and other marine industries all over the world.
We established long business relationship with many clients because of our excellent quality and service. We also are the designated supplier of many goverment's organization, and military departments.
Our Clients:

We established long business relationship with many clients because of our excellent quality and service. We also are the designated supplier of many goverment's organization, and military departments.
Our Clients:

©2008 Qingdao Evergreen Shipping Supplies Co.,Ltd All rights reserved. 鲁ICP备09008309号(beian.miit.gov.cn)